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It was an ok game. It's important when you are designing for games like these, where two characters are being moved at the same time, to think about the challenges each one of them faces. Here, I ended up just using the knight to attack and the princess to escape. It would have been better if the princess helped the attack in some way, or if the knight was needed for escaping. Check Fire Boy and Water girl, a very famous game that, while it might a bit different from what you were going for, uses the co-dependency of both characters in an interesting way

That was the intended idea was to make it where their movement was dependent on each other like, you have to work your way around the level, to make sure the knight would get the dragon and where the dragon would not get the princess. I admit the level design is very raw and the game is more of just a concept. But what you are describing is the ideal structure which I will work on if I decide to polish the game. This was really more of just a concept