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Really great solid mechanics and surprisingly difficult! Only managed a max score of 988 and I'm kicking myself every time I got hit - it's really engaging! What's the backstory for why mice are watching two interdimensional snakes get run over by trucks? :D


I think the mice are happy that their predators are being killed by trucks :O

Thanks !


wow, you want the backstory too!?!?!?! XD I screwd up big time on that one for my game! The backstory of mine is that there is a crazy god controlling the character that wants to have fun and it forces the character to complete puzzles.... It's a JAM!!!!!! XD

(1 edit) (+1)

At first the deal was about mice watching a snake olympics.
However, when the time came to graphically design the obstacles, the only idea left was trucks, because trucks and snake often interact

Head-cannon is that the snakes are in some kind of gladiator arena, in a fight to the death for the entertainment of mice!