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Very stylish in presentation.
I like the interpretation of the theme, but the red ball was much to unreliable in tight quarters to place so much empahsis on tight hallways in the later levels. I had much more fun kiting around enemies, then watching them explode in open spaces than I did running in circles hoping the timing would work out.
Overall very solid, great work!

I agree and think that the later levels had gameplay that played out in a way which was to wait for the ball to break through the glass, or for your health to regenerate while you dodge. The earlier levels were fun in open areas!

100% agree, the most satisfying moments of the game happened when you were leading enemies on a big chase, and watching the ball blow them up.

Not much risk of getting hit by the ball I admit, but maybe it would have been even cooler to just embrace the fun of that mechanic, and do away with the self damage entirely. Different concept in the end though for sure, that would probably look more like an arcade game in the Geometry Wars style, or something similar.