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Hi Adam. I am an enthusiast gamer - author of parser-based Text Adventures. I participated in If Comp 2020 with Radicofani, a classic parser adventure (it's a Windows executable) containing sounds and images. After the experience of the competition I modified it by creating a new version of the game that would need to be tested. I'd like to know if I could insert the new version, even out of competition to get more feedback and to further improve the game. I'm also working on another parser adventure with cartoon-style images and clickable images too that runs only with the DOSBOX emulator. I'd like to include it in next year's competition. I would like to know if "old style" Adventures that run only with emulator are also allowed. Thank you for your time. Rob.


Under the rules of the competition, the game must be previously unpublished, so I'm pretty sure that would rule it out.

For testing, you can ask at

For the game with cartoon images, that would be okay to enter in next year's competition, providing the primary input is via commands entered on the keyboard. Clickable images should be considered an option. You must be able to play the game without needing to click on images. The fact that it only runs on a DOSBox emulator doesn't matter, but it will restrict your audience. Windows executables tend to rate very poorly in IFComp and I imagine the same will prove to be true in ParserComp. Have you considered Adventuron? That encourages graphics and runs in a browser, so it is multi-platform.

This is just my impression. Adam has the final say.


Unfortunately converting my AT to another language is too complex. (It has a very unique interface, images with hidden icons and so on ...). I will decide whether to publish it or not. Maybe in some site specializing in retro games. Thanks for the information and for the feedback!

Hi Rob,

Thanks for your interest and considering entering ParserComp!

As per the response from Garry i'm afraid that, yes, we would class this as previously released.  The only scenario I can envisage where we could be flexible is if a game was released and then later was so heavily re-worked as to essentially be a new game, and even then it would need careful consideration.

Hope your game design goes well, look forward to reading about it in IntFiction etc




Thanks anyway. I'm sorry I found out about Parsercomp too late

