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(1 edit)

guys i have a problem in this game, acctuly when i get an extra movment(like a extra coffe mug) i cant switch into others movments just i stay in coffe mug . i tried to delete the game and redownload it but the same problem is stil(note:this problem Existant in other games of unity engine like stick fight )please find a soulution for me because i cant play like that and sometimes when i want to develop a movment and want to switch the game blocked and i exit 

Hey there sorry for the problem. I’m not sure I understand what the bug is? Is it that you can’t choose a new move? Or is it that after choosing a new move it stays on the same move when fighting?

(1 edit)

YES I CANT SWITCH to a new move (for example the bicycleThe first specific movement when taking the star, which gives new movements, so I cannot switch to another movement, and I still have to choose this movement, and in this way I get one movement developed for the last development of it, such as a bicycle kick at the last development of it, so I stop there because I cannot switch movements and i cant cancel the star of devlopment to continue

You should be able to switch to a different movement by pressing the arrow keys.

Are you playing on controller? (I think there is a problem with the controller in the menu)

Sorry about this!!!

no i cant the arrow keys do nothing when i press them . rarely when i press the left and right mouse buttons the movment switch but it never switvh the devleopment movemnets (i dont play with controller)