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This was a pretty fun game.

Firstly, I will admit that the gunslinging action in the game was a bit on the boring side (It was perfectly functional, which is good, but it did feel kinda meh overall). I guess it probably could have benefitted from some stupidly overexaggerated viewmodel animations too. But hey it was still functional and that's a good thing.

The rest of the game, however, was great. The utter absurdity of the whole situation, VoteBot, the pretty darn wild modelling and animations, the writing, and all that stuff was genuinely 'so bad it's good'.

Anywho, there was one missed opportunity in this game: giving the player a drunk effect when they drink too much whiskey.

But yeah it was good!


Hey thanks for playing!

Yeah the gun combat is bland, mostly because if I wanted to juice it up more then I would've had to sacrifice in every other area. I have ideas for how to improve it in the future but to get everything else done on time it had to be left at "good enough".

Yeah I wanted to lean into the absurd again for this year, just because I needed a good dose of stupid. I'm happy to hear the sacrifice in the combat let the other areas come to fruition!

Drunk effect on drinking whiskey was definitely on the list of ideas early on, once again it just became out of scope. I plan to include it in a later update though, I loved playing around with visual effects in my uni project and I wanna do more.

Much like the last two years I've done SBIG there's a bunch of stuff that was left on the cutting room floor, I'll probably address them in my postmortem.

Thanks for the honest feedback!