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(1 edit)

Hey there! Sorry about all the troubles. I actually run Linux myself and while I knew that the scrolling wasn’t perfect on Linux (it was about ten minutes before the jam), I didn’t think it would be that much of a mess. This sounds pretty urgent since you weren’t even able to get through the first menu… yikes.

My source code got a little messed up when trying to package the game due to some sleep-deprived carelessness, but since I have a 100% up to date backup I expect that I should have no problems finding whatever went wrong. Dialogue.cs is (if memory serves correctly) entirely useless as dialogues were removed from the game before launch. I wonder if I somehow forgot deltaTime for that scroll box, but I’ll just replace it with a scroll view to be sure.

Many of the bugs came from the last day of development where I felt pressured for time and started diving into certain mechanics with plenty of enthusiasm but not so much focus or sleep. While I’ve been a little busy with my main project over the last few days, I plan to take another look soon to get the art test cleaned up then another post-GDTV to get dialogue and my unpublished character sprites into the game, as soon as some people I wanted to talk to about voice acting are ready and able to give the idea another go.

As for the buttons, they do have working scripts under normal circumstances. I’m wondering if that’s related to some scripts breaking.

EDIT: Never mind, this one’s obvious. 0.11 is the build you downloaded. 0.111 is the hotfix that addressed a weird bug with the scrolling box, which I only ever put up for Windows. Give me an hour or so and I’ll have it up here… I must have just completely forgotten to upload. My bad!

While it runs on the Windows laptoy, given the bad performance is not showing well what you managed to complete.

The download for the Linux version is still the broken version, unfortunately...

Yeah I got a little sidetracked sadly. Sorry for the lack of transparency. Performance wise the game benefits a lot from reducing shadow quality and texture quality to about half the default, unfortunately they weren’t brought to that level by default.

Linux will get brought back up to speed as soon as GMTK Jam ends, I definitely understand your frustration as a fellow Linux user and if not for the damaged backup I would have aimed to have it up already.

I owe you the mother of all apologies for all the delays and last minute changes in plan. I finally had a chance to sort out my source code issue and make a Linux build, and the uploaded build is now up to 0.111.

While more substantial changes to restore the game might not come for some time, I appreciate your patience and hope that this can at least give you a chance to see how these environments were actually meant to look.

The updated version runs fine as far as I can tell, any issues are likely just caused by it being unfinished, so really nothing to complain about. (For example I couldn't get back from the archives screen message, and there was a wall at the end of a corridor that in the right spot gave me a message about a locked door and I could sort of manage to squeeze around it into a room with another door at the opposite side, only that by my "squeezing" I managed to get stuck in the spot. :) (And there were a few places one could manage to wiggle the camera position to clip through a wall, but that would all be a matter of thorough testing in a later state, when the "meat" if the game would be there...)

The artwork is fantastic and I liked the room/area names showing up when one approached.

I'd love to see the finished version of it!

(2 edits)

Wow, you actually got past the “wall?”

So, a little context for that… it was supposed to get a texture that looked like an ending for the wall, but the keypad would pull it up into the ceiling with a special sound. The “locked” message there was intentional and supposed to get you thinking about that spot early on so that you would guess that it could be unlocked later. It was done in place of a crawlspace to the final room so that we didn’t have to program crouching or sliding through a tight place. As with the keypad system, implementation is unfinished as you can definitely tell. ._.

The ground mask bug is definitely a problem and can probably be fixed with better collision.

Again, thank you so much for your patience with the upload.