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I wonder if some intrepid writer-artist created a game like this for themselves and generated the Voynich manuscript that folks scramble and obsess over trying to understand at least the sketches if not as much the cyphered and perhaps nonsensical text.

I actually want to try this with some kind of Alone Among the Stars hack, and using a d6 to create doubt on rolls of one pip. I tend to prefer more open prompts for myself.

Funny you should mention it, the next draft has a more chaotic/ variable doubt mechanic for each prompt to add uncertainty and speed up the game. You lost me a bit in your opening jargon but I agree the next step for the core system is to build in a bit more narrative flexibility.


Oh, in the beginning I was thinking about the Voynich manuscript, which is an artifact that's a book with weird text and weirder scientific (?) drawings. It is a real thing in a museum somewhere, and it might be an Unnaturalist kind of journal done back in the Middle Ages. Worth a Google if you like.