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Awesome! I really liked it, it's simple but fun. With a few more mechanics and levels it could be really cool! The only cons are that sometimes I would jump on a bat but a bit on the side and it would register it as being hit rather than killing it (collision issues, input lag? I'm not sure) and I was never sure if I could drop down platforms safely or if I was going to die from falling into an infinite hole (I guess there's no "game over" holes though).

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback!

I thought about the things with the holes because it's always a blind jump and I see that I should have designed the levels without them or somehow counter the guessing. I had more levels with different themes and mechanics in scope and maybe I'll implement them sometime.

I noticed the bug with the bats too, but sadly I couldn't fix it in time.

Thank you again for the feedback, its super helpful and I really appreciate it! 😊