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I think the motivation needs to come from creation, not attention. Make the games you want to play, so you at least have an audience of one to get you through the lean times.

The more games you make, the better they'll be, and the more likely someone will be to stumble upon them. You can speed up the process by entering game jams, or collaborating with other creators.

It's not inevitable that you'll get famous or be able to live off of your game designs. But it IS inevitable that you'll learn a lot that will be widely applicable in the process. (Game design is like a free liberal arts degree. It makes you more capable at lots of things, if not more qualified)


Thanks for the advice, I have only made 2 games, one big which I haven't yet released and one small which I have released.

I don't want to get famous or anything but I want to make more games so I can become more capable at programming and get hired by a game development company maybe. And if I can make some people have fun with my games in the process, the better.

The thing is, with millions of video games available these days and with no marketing budget, it's kinda hard to get attention to your games.