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Thanks! I will definitely keep that in mind! I want to come out with an update after voting ends that addresses some of the issues, or at least minimizes them lol. I play on turning the stun from 5 seconds to 1-2 seconds. I need to figure out some way to stop the red squares from hitting you the whole time. I think the ideas you suggested are great! I just need to see if I can actually figure out how to implement that lol! And yea, I think some indicator for stunning would be great! In the update I am working on, I currently have the screen zoom in during the stun phase. Not sure if I will keep that in or not. I also want to add some music/sound to the game, but have not gotten to that yet. Thanks! I might rework the way the squares move all together, because while it is more random in its movements, that leads to some situations that may not be quite as fun lol.

Thanks for the feedback! :D