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Wow I love the music you picked, so cool sounding and perfect for a battle scene! I can't believe how accurate the 16 personalities test was. I knew that those tests were good, but not that good ahahah 

Keep up the good work SweetChiel, but make sure to take time for yourself! I know that you must be so busy with this project and the wedding planning, so don't get so caught up with everything else that you don't allow time for yourself to rest. You deserve it!

Have a great week <333


Hi, LainyBug!
Thank you! I'm so glad to hear you like the music! -^.^-

And yep, you should give that 16 personality test a try--I tried it and it's really scary how accurate it is x'D but it's also a massive help if you want to create a character!

As always, thank you for the warm support <3
The wedding preps are going well and I'm going to be very busy during June and July, but yes, I'll definitely keep some time for self-care :'3 

You too, please don't forget to take care of yourself! Get plenty of rest and don't skip your meals!
