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(1 edit)

While I was listening to this I imagined the redemption of a sinful man/woman travelling in a huge empty landscape. The texture is totally different, but it gave me "Journey" vibes. And I absolutely love the choirs at the end part, like the sins have been purified and the soul has trascend. Very original and interesting concept of a "journey", nothing else to say

Actually, I have something else to say. Didn't notice the detail that it starts rainning at the beginning and stops rainning at the end, that supports my theory of purification, where the storm and thunders represent the sins. Man, I love how diveregely music can be interpreted.  Very nice again!

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you, and I very much appreciate your interpretation! As for the sins of the main character, that is up to the player to impress upon them. The game that I envision would definitely have room for such a vision; who else is to say why the character is tasked with ushering other souls along their journey? Hopefully I'll turn it into a comic or game some day!