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The fact that I am posting this update on a Saturday night at almost 1am should give you an idea about how busy my week has been...

On the bright side I have also some important news to share, but let's start with the update.

Early this week I have published a new monthly dev log recap on the blog of Virtueror. This one covers the progress I made with my game during the month of May.

One of the latest new features is defensive towers:

You will find more details and also a new bug of the month in the blog post, so I'll leave you to it.

I mentioned some important news and here it is...

The Steam page of Virtueror has been approved and it will go live soon, on the 9th of June:

I know this is just one more step of a very long journey, but it feels like things are getting real now and it's scary and exciting at the same time!

That also means that the page is almost ready and it will go live on the same day (if not sooner). Ill make sure to post an update when it's live.