i was hoping Dyne should add Azaghals route hehe hes really hot uwu
Me too but first thing first. He had to finished Richard first then maybe he'll think of something.
theres gonna be Richard's route?!! I can't wait!
Yup,there is.
azaghal isn't one of his characters, so (sadly) cant be done 😥
Well, lets hope that they add azaghal's route in the next next update also...u guys notice darius father?!! Its freakin' hoooottt
Unfortunately, Azaghal is a cameo, so he won't ever be able to get a route. It's likely that Richard will be the last route added.
A whole route? After only being introduced to him via Darius aka boyfriend in progress? Damn that's wild jk lol
Maybe like a side thingy but not a whole route....I feellike that would be cheating on Darius lol