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Very fun game and despite the speed run, I spent roughly an hour or so figuring out how to properly play the game. Also I encountered 2 glitches, 1 where I died and the game loaded into a different map where the Knight didn’t show up and it was locked on that screen.

2nd glitch was dying on the map that the game randomly loaded me into last time and respawning at the last save, but the pause menu didn’t work. The game paused, but there was no text and I couldn’t move the cursor and mashing buttons didn’t do anything. Game worked fine despite the pause menu dying, but I closed the game afterwards. Time stamps for the video if you want to see it in action: 6:24 and the game version was 1.2

Dang. You beat me to it.

Congratulations on a world record! I'll look to that glitches today.