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Hi everybody! We are Lantana Games, a small educational/kids game developer in Boston, MA. Specifically, until team profiles are working, I am Danny, founder of the company. My goal as a developer is to create positively-influenced experiences that kids and adults alike can enjoy. We use mainly Clickteam Fusion 2.5 and Unity for our projects, but we're always learning new engines like Game Maker and Unreal as well. Development is our passion, but we also mentor student teams to help make their games great, and introduce them to platforms like as a positive (and hopefully profitable) place to distribute their games.

As for me specifically, I have been wanting to make games since I was 5 and actually doing so since I was 11. I'll be 29 in a month and still get the same joy making games today as I did when I was a very small person.

Follow our things! We post screenshots, concept art, silly photos, and sometimes even free codes. Also, our newsletter, the Lantana Ledger, comes out once a month and always has neat developments and freedbies.

Twitter: @lantanagames
Facebook: /lantanagames
Youtube: /user/lantanagames
Insta: @lantanagames