I too appear to be having this issue. I can certainly interact with the thing I should be able to use two items on underground by hitting Z, but selecting either item in the inventory and hitting enter in the same spot doesn't seem to do anything.
Viewing post in Yurivania 1: Uhaul of the Night comments
Sure, here's a video:
I feel like I'm doing what I've done with the rest of the spots where I could use items; hit Z in order to check the spot, make sure the item I want to use is in my inventory, then press Enter.
In this case, I'm pressing Z to make sure I'm in the right spot with the plant, and then I'm pressing Enter to use my item, with nothing happening. Then I switch to the candle, and then I'm pressing Z again to make sure I'm in the right spot, and then I press Enter to use the item.
I also found that I can press enter outside of the caves in order to get dialog about using the candle/water, but using items inside the cave doesn't seem to work for me outright.
Of course, there is an 11/10 chance I'm in the wrong spot and that I'm doing it wrong, in which case, terribly sorry about this whole thing, but I can't figure out where else I might need to go in order to use these items.
Hey JoeyJoJo and Brasstax,
I wanted to let you know that I took another detailed look at this today and still can’t reproduce this issue on my end ☹
I wrote up details on GitHub
If you can think of anything else for me to try, feel free to post it and I’ll take a look.
But no pressure! This was my first GB Studio game and it’s pretty glitchy, and this area in particular is one of the most glitchy.
Thanks again for playing!
Also experiencing this issue. Made a Github issue here, here's the report:
(I'm using firefox 89.0 on linux, but it probably shouldn't matter)
Steps to reproduce:
1. enter any area marked "Subterrane" on the map, up to and including the bit where you have to help Alraune's sprout.
2. make sure you have ANY item selected
3. press enter to use the item
Expected behaviour: some text appears telling you what the item did, and, if applicable, there is some effect on the world
Actual behaviour: nothing happens - not even flavour text
thanks for the cute game!