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(1 edit)

Hey guys,

Blop here for a first devlog on graphs ! Today was a big day with lots of work done, we finished most of the game, added plenty of new arcade features and integrated graphs for everything in the standard game modes ! We now have the overlay, all sorts of background effects, light effects, animations for the player and ennemy and many more. Tomorrow i'll redo some of the Asteroid models and i'll try to finish the menus and maybe try to work on some graphs for the arcade.

In the next week, before testing on a larger scale, I'll be working on finishing the arcade, maybe animating the in-game overlay and redoing some graphs that i'm not satisfied with.
Here are some images of animation trials for the player shooting. We tried lots of diffrent animation techniques, we have a bone and rigs system for the enemy body animations and we made some hand drawn animations too. We did not keep all of them but it was fun trying new things, most of the work is done in photoshop and illustrator and I use After Effects to test animations but i usually work on them again as static images in photoshop after that.