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Wow, this is amazing! Having the aseprite files makes my workflow so much easier. Quick question out of curiosity: Is this how you usually work on a theme, having one aseprite files with multiple frames for each sprite?

As always, thanks so much for your work.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi Libera, 
I usually work on a giant file where I have every theme together and it's quite a mess, these ase files I'm providing are made from 0 and that's why it takes so loong to get this type of updates done, but it's totally worth it from the community feedback!
Here's what it looks like:

...wait, is this an office revamp spoiler??


Nice spoiler :) And thanks for this behind-the-scenes look. I can imagine that finding suitable ways for distribution is very hard. So cool that you take the time to make the community happy :)

BTW: I can’t describe how much I’m looking forward to the exteriors stuff.