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GMS1 IDE was never particularly stable when working with large extensions like GMLive (try right-clicking the GMLive extension, picking “Properties”, and seeing how long it takes for the window just to show up), but at some point something happened and now the IDE hangs when trying to open the project, or, if I manually remove the extension file and re-add it every time I open the project, hangs on game start while not responding to the debugger.

It is unclear whether this can be debugged in any way.

So is GMLive dead/dying for 1.4? If you can't update it anymore?

(1 edit)

Well, the only way I can update the 1.4 version is by editing the last uploaded version by hand (context: the 20 000 lines of code in the extension are generated from Haxe), re-exporting the GMEZ, and then fixing that file by hand, so the GMS1 version will not be seeing substantial changes/improvements.