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Chloe's series does not include step-by-step instructions. All it has are videos of her doing the paths, and she's already admitted to having made mistakes in her video. The only walkthrough she actually put to text, from what I could see, was Carlos' route. 

I wish a walkthrough had been included in the tier rewards, since I really don't think I like Chloe's videos.

There should be step-by-step instructions with each video, either in the video itself (at the end), or in a pinned comment under the video. They should also all be fairly accurate? There were some small changes to the game after her videos were filmed, so there may be some extra steps now that aren't in her walkthroughs, but nothing in them should be *wrong*

Is there a particular route you're missing? I have some old text walkthroughs for James and the secret route I made for myself for testing, but they too are probably slightly inaccurate at this point. (But I'm happy to share either of those given YAGS is pretty old at this point.)