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Probably go ahead and make a second one, don't wanna keep it going back to an old page eventually if I wanna use the area to report them...


Issue 13 - There's a spot in the map where the floor is missing, You can fall through this area.

Its hard to describe the location though, as there's no real specific markers or names for these locations.

But I assume.

The Door, at the back corner of the map, which is between Church and "Current" mine - I assume, is another, planned mine, and is a closed door just for now. I assume.


Near /this/ door, somewhere along the Mountain line on that side of the path - That hole exists.

Issue 14 - Gold Still can zero out when met with too much funding.

Suggested Solution, Have another currency that titanium sales can't even really hope to max out

because it kinda seems like "about 20x titanium (2000 gold) give or take a couple pieces = too much money congrats now you got none" - Which isn't hard to reach at all.

Having some way to store Money in a separate data-field, purchase other items that can be sold for equivalent cash, or making it so "about 20x titanium" is but a drop in the bucket of "max cash capacity"... Is pretty necessary.

Issue 15. - Not really sure its an issue or what.

The Heater Shield located at the Sword Pedestal - It's rim and handles are copper, its a heater shield/wood, but has no Boss - You /can/ give it a boss, you can remove its handles, but not its rim, In none of these ways, Can it be sold. - I dunno if that's intentional, like it has something to do with triggering the whatever to whereever, however.


The actual issue.

Issue 16... - After futzing with said shield, Perhaps before too but I can only verify after ("After futzing" = removed the two handles, Put the two handles back on, and then added a boss)

the Shield can be used for Magic Carpet rides much like items of the past. - I dunno to what extent, Just that when I pulled it towards me, It smacked me, and pushed me back, Then I tried to whip around to try and see if I could pawn it on a customer, and it tossed me into the bedroom, with my vision turned upwards (non broken, just seemed like it caused a spike of lag and exaggerated my movements) - I'm 92% sure as of writing this that It does what I actually say it does  (Magic carpet ride,, I.e, can stand on it, pull it towards you, and begin to fly in the air, with slight movements enabling directional momentum) - but - I didn't actually test for it, Was busy at the time and then I vaguely recall screwing something up by trying to be slick about resolving an issue and the game decied "Nah. Screw you, I'm frozen" and then decided "What, staring at frozen visuals aint good enough for you? F you (black screens)"


Still ain't gotten the chance to sell alloys that have been resmelted. Will probably scrap this save and make a new one since My coin chest now reads 0, again...

(2 edits)

interesting... I started anew and the shield at the alter is now.... Iron...? looking.. maybe steel...However.. My copper hammer cannot smack off the handles this time....

Does maybe "Initial spawn" start it as "just an object"

but then saving and reloading maybe turns it into a "Shield with no defined ingots, with a hand grip and wrist grip"? that it then automatically makes Copper because its undefined?... Cause honestly, I didn't really remember it being copper looking in the first place either, I only remember seeing the copper every other time I paid attention to it, which was after reloads...

Or has it been made that you need a hammer of quality or better to break down items, to allow for giving of "better items" than hammer, which would have to be turned away (can't be repaired/dismantled) or just "can't be dismantled into something that the player can exploit" (Note, the first part is a "this is kinda just introduced thing" for the event of possible repair in the future - not saying there's actual repairs in current version (which I do not know if there is or isn't, but I haven't seen it))

Is it also possible the heater shield is randomized?

Edit - Note: the shield pre-boss, pre-reload as it spawned immediately after a fresh start, not even 1 day of rest - Is non-physical, I can't smack myself at all, I can't walk on it, I can't pull it into myself, or anything.  And I literally just started so I have no way yet of testing for "Post-boss"

edit 2- Reloading Converts the Iron-y looking Heater shield into a Copper, physical shield - Confirmed. I went off to get crystals and all the loots and stuff to bring back, had a save and reload in the meantime - and came back - I can now walk ontop of the shield, its rim is distinctly copper looking, not chrome/iron looking.

and I can. Indeed, Stand on it, and grab, and levitate into the air, like a magic carpet.

So I guess "shield with no physical/defined ingots" is quite likely to be the "fact" for that, and reload looks at it in the file and reads "No defined ingot? the fudge? Uhhh... I guess I'll just make it copper... "

Finally tested selling a Double-smelt Bronze (created a bunch of bronze via combining tin and copper - then REsmelted the created bronze (to produce "cooled Bronze ore" in the smelter) into new bronze ingots and attempted to make items - A customer finally asked for "A greathammer" no specificity  - Prompted pawned a Bronze one on him and he paid 18copper (the handle)

So Yeah. Busted that Idea. Alloy still just priceless - Best to just use them for your own tools in order to mine higher and sell stronger metals.

Though... I suppose the problem may still be that its Bronze... Even though Bronze is a much more amazing metal than tin alone... I could see how /maybbbee/ a particular person might go "But balance" and "you're just going to skip Tin, Iron /etc tiers if you get tin and then make bronze items!" and maybe Steel and/or Brass have values... I've still never had enough Steel or Brass on hand at any given time to have the necessary requested item - and for it to be specifically requested...

Like I've tried pawning Steel or Brass (or bronze) on a say, titanium/adamantine, request. Didn't fly, at least, not that I can remember.

And when they ask for "A" something - and not "metal" something - It's almost always a 3-ingot item, and never at a time I have anything to try - Bronze is easy enough once you have tin/money - but "a" is rare among rare.

It has occurred to me that the moments in which a customer is asking for "a"/"That" (no metal type) "weapon"

That they're actually probably asking for "Brass" "Bronze" or "Steel" - Which seem "high enough" on the "metal" "tiers" when you equip their hammer to allow customers to ask for things like Adelite and Mithril (I currently have a Steel Hammer, and have been getting at least Mithril Requests)

I just attempted to Pawn a Steel Dagger (finally a dagger request which I can easily provide Brass or Steel for) for a "Make me a dagger please!" - And he won't accept it.

This is why It's occurred to me that maybe they don't request "blank" metals at all, and that the Brass, Bronze, and Steel requests are simply as incomplete/broken as their prices. - and in reality - I've just been "underlevel" of a "requested type" thus able to sell.. not "random type"

Momentarily will attempt Brass first - Which I will assume to be the Lowest of the three alloys, and then Bronze, if I still have the chance, To see if either of these two grant "type" bonus - and/or Sell.

If he accepts Brass, but no type bonus, and Brass is indeed the lowest quality alloy (which I can't say it is for sure) - Then that means it must've been Bronze.... cause otherwise I don't see why NPCs would accept literally anything else I can currently provide for these, but not Steel - which I assume to be the highest.

(1 edit)

He accepted Brass, But still refused Steel - No Specificity or Type Bonus - So I have to assume based on that, He was asking for Bronze dagger - and the game simply couldn't actually allow him to say "Bronze" and that that determines what level of metal tier is "acceptable"  - likely based on what Customers can ask for/you can mine for with said Alloys.... pretty sure brass was able to mine up to Iron... Dunno about Bronze, Steel can clearly sell up to at least Mithril.

For the random reader - "Type" bonus seems to be generated any time you accomplish an order with the "requested type" of Metal.

Example - Iron greatsword - "Customer type" - - - - 5 silver (Subtotal was about 30silver, grand total was 40silver~)

Copper Greathammer -  customer type -- - - 5 copper (Subtotal was about 44copper grand total was 59 copper)

However on a one hand hammer request (no type that i could see) I sold a mithril mace - for 2g and some change (subtotal and total, but more) - And gained no Type bonus, Which I assumed/chalked up to the fact they didn't request a type.


Now that I had a Request for "Dagger" no type

And couldn't pawn a Steel Dagger on them, but could pawn Brass, with no customer type bonus still

It wouldn't make much sense for "No type" to reject "any" type, let alone specifically steel.

Thus I must assume I was getting no "type bonus" because the NPC was actually Requesting an Alloy name which is registered "above" the metal I was presenting at any given time - and since I didn't provide that alloy - I got no bonus.

Now I guess I'll need to make sure I have Steel, Bronze, and Brass on hand in at least 3 ingots - so I can go Steel -> Bronze -> Brass and see if I get a type bonus and what that bonus is the next time someone asks with "no type" listed...

Also just had an Adamantine Request with Steel hammer/Mithril Pick. - So. Uh. Yeah. It goes up to at least that.... Might have to go and find some more coal veins and just equip a steel pick... since I'm clearly using an inferior pick...