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At first I was slightly turned off by the graphical style, but it quickly 180'ed as I saw more of the world! It's extremely charming in a strange way, like a detailed, well-colored MS Paint drawing come to life. I would definitely be interested in coming back to explore this game some more or see it expanded on further!

The movement is a bit slow, perhaps a run could be beneficial here. It's also a little bit difficult to distinguish what is and isn't a platform that I can jump on. I'm also struggling to see what my exact goal in the world is. I very much enjoy just roaming around in this world though, lots of interesting animated details and eye candy. Overall, very unique game!

Thank you for your input! We are glad that you like the game and the ms-paint art style :P. We are going to expand on this game further with Hometown 2ero.

I'll give your game a try tomorrow morning!