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Day Saturday:

Drew stuff today! I actually drew more today than I have in..... quite a long time. So, while I'm not an amazing artist, I'm pretty impressed my character design attempts didn't come out awful (I'm going to admit, I did trace the built-in face artwork to get myself started on face shapes, but I think I was able to build off original designs from those tracings).

Obviously these are still just sketches, but I got designs picked out for my four main characters so all I'll need to do tomorrow is... color them and touch them up and crop them to the right size and then also make sprites for all of them? I believe in myself.

I also want to get all of this done before I do too much more with the code, specifically so I don't have to put the placeholder images anymore, and then remember to change them up. I think I'll focus on art, and coding in minor events/battle stuff, for the next few days, and tie it all up by Wednesday... but I'm getting ahead of myself.

I also took J's advice and pulled a dark blue overlay over my exterior map tiles, to simulate a night  scene. I really like how this looks, but I think re-importing the darkened tiles, and re-making the entire map, and checking to make sure tile passability is all the same and everything, will take a bit more time than I know I have. I have the darkened tiles saved, so I can import them in at least, and if I find myself with an extra hour before the jam is over I'll do that.

Couple more maps made, and I've got the main overworld maps divided into regions to start implementing random battles again when I get a chance.

I keep thinking the jam is ALMOST OVER but really we've got.... just a little under a week? That's enough time to still do a lot of work.

Hey! Been enjoying reading your devlog. Liking your maps, so many RPG Maker games had square, inorganic feeling maps, but yours do a lot more to feel natural!

I'm a bit late to the party here, and it's been a long time since I used RPG Maker, but I remember there was a way to "tint" the game rather than have to recreate the whole map. I used to do an event with no picture in the corner of the map with Switch: IsNight ON, and then include the action that set the screen tint to a dark blue sort of colour. If Switch: isNight OFF then the tint is set to normal/none instead. I vaguely remember using this to simulate early morning (orange), day (none) and night (dark blue) based on Switches or possibly other variables. You can also use this switch in events so that they only are triggered during the day or night. That way you don't have to create multiple tilesets and events!