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(6 edits)

[DAY 2 (12/01)]

Hello again, today I tried to improve the drag and drop system that I did yesterday. The problem of the system was that it can't handle when multiple versions of a memory card were equipped to the same entity. I thought it would be easy to modify it but I actually had to rebuild my system from nothing to make it handle this situation. So I took advantage of it by implementing an additive system where the more memory cards are equipped to an entity the stronger the effect of the card is.  Here is an example of how it works :

I also work on some new types of cards the Enlarge Card and the Jump Card, the Enlarge card makes the size of the entity increases and the Jump Card make the entity jump when it hits the ground. Here are how they work and combine :

Now that my basic system is working properly I hope to start the level design soon.

So this is all I have done today, it tooks me more time than I would like but I think that I will manage to get the project at an acceptable stage.

Again, thank you for reading and see you tomorrow !