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(1 edit)

Hi Chiel! Thank you for the hard work! I came here, having topics to write, but I forget it all... Oh well 🤷‍♀️

That sucks that they sold you used ones -_- That's a scam if true smh... I hope in the future you can get new computer or something! Because that SUCKS.

Is it a rule you enforce on yourself to make up for unfulfilled quota? Because I certainly don't mind because you got a rough week there. But... if you insist, taking a peek is not bad... HEHEHEHE

It is so hot yes -_- A lot of mozzies too. I'm turning on AC earlier and more often now because of this! -_-

Oh my, their morning routine is just as expected LOL Guntur is truly a MOM, I won't take back my nickname to him now! Congrats, Mom Guntur, you are first boy who get a "pet" name from me lol And... And... Arya is such an angsty ball 😭 That is not what I expect from asking their morning routine!!

Hi, PangHerHeart! You're also doing great job last week! *huggs
In the future, I'm going to take control of my husband's PC rofl--he got this gaming PC with great specs so I don't have to worry about anything :'3 at the very least, I'll use it as a backup~

And yes! Quotas exist to motivate myself and to imprint a rule on myself so I don't slack ><
I'm glad to hear you like the sneak peeks tho x'D

I don't mind you calling Guntur 'Mom', cause... I also think it fits him 😂
With Kahlil around, your morning routine will always be exciting!

As for Arya... well, what can I say? You'll know what's going on when you finish his route :'3

Thanks again for being here and for your continuous support, PangHerHeart!
Cheers for a better week and see you again next week!
