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Oof it seems like you had a rough week :( Yeah, if you have an old mac it heats up very easily- the battery died on me a few times (probably because I overcharged but yeah, mac can be sensitive). And yeahhh it's hot here too, I think it's just summer saying yo it's ur boi again. June is coming and it's usually the hottest in the year. Anyway, hang in there, SweetChiel! You're doing great!

Hi, El.Seth!
Yeah, I must say my mac is pretty old--mine is version 2012 so I guess I should be grateful that it's still alive and kicking :'D I feel you though! I remember how I panicked when that happened to me. The battery died, the laptop died, and they refuse to turn on. I thought I lost all of my work's progress. I cried my eyes out when the store clerk managed to recover my files QuQ

And oh boy, summer is here indeed and it's hotter than ever x-x
You too! Let's keep working hard, fight the heat, and be productive! 
