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oh, I like your undo method! and the drawing / saving to spritesheet thing; those are some nice tips. (I’ve been making a pico-8 drawing program recently and went full programmer on those problems, which was fun but maybe too much work haha)

I assume you know what an “Immediate-mode GUI” is, since that’s exactly what you’re describing with your button system? but just in case you (or other readers) haven’t heard the term before, well, now you have. I haven’t used that sort of system myself yet, but maybe this will finally spur me into trying it.

thanks for the post!


Thanks! I made a drawing app before, but it was only for 8x12 sprites, so I could get away with only using sset. For this, I needed something more sophisticated.

This is a pretty easy undo, but the downside is it takes up a lot of space, which could be a dealbreaker based on your needs. What I don't mention here is that the undo's also continue further into memory, into the map region - which is otherwise unused.

I haven't heard of that term, actually! It's good to know. The buttons were actually mostly based off a tweet I saw.