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Yo that song is a jam! It gets me into a thinking transic vibe. Loops really well too. 

For platforming I personally preferprefer my horizontal velocity not to be slowed that strongly when in air. And my jump to be a bit higher to make platforming feel better and also easier. Since the focus is not on tight platforming.

I had problems figuring out how to move the blocks. Yep I didn't read the wall of text controls :) To make it intuitive you can indicate the direction the block would move if I press lmb, with the mouse becoming an arrow pointing in that direction. 

Once I figured that out it become a lot more fun! Before I was struggling with that while really digging the puzzles that you created with that. They are really smart and have multiple solutions. I really like that for puzzle games. Well done!

Thanks for the feedback!

Glad you liked the puzzles. I had to do a few last-minute tweaks to the platforming after realising that if you could jump any higher/further you’d be able to jump your way out of a few puzzles; but I get what you mean. If I did it again I’d use larger panel sizes (4x4, etc.) so that I didn’t have to put those limits in!