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Hi there, I am DragonExplosion and I am a Youtuber. If you like my videos, please leave a like and subscribe at my channel.

I was quite excited when I entered the game as the graphics look relatively good and interesting where there are many animal head statues around and pictures of a couple everywhere in the house. If there was a storyline in the game, it would be more engaging and interesting for the player. I am kinda confused as to what the game is actually about because all I did was to run around the house and then inevitably head upstairs to see an amazing statue of what I believe was a Sabertooth. However, the game just ended there, which made me feel really confused as to what I was missing out at the end of the game. Lastly, I was kinda upset that there were lots of guns on the floor but I couldn't pick any of them up :(.

Thank you for reading my comment and I wish you good luck in your future endeavours.

Thanks for the great feedback + critiques and for uploading your video, I appreciate it! There are headlines that tell a semblance of some loose story threads (a hunter who hunts dangerous game, haha) but I've come to realize that the PS1 shader blurs out the textures pretty bad which is probably why you couldn't see them. This prototype is supposed to be one level out of many, so when you enter the ending doorway it would take you to the next area of the mansion, and so on. However, I only worked on this for a class project in around 2 months so I didn't get very far with other levels LOL.