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The art is really good, but the movements are too floaty and you don't deal nearly enough damage to the enemies.The first jump is really hard too.

The level selection screen is a good idea, but the grappling hook was underused.

Also there's a bug where in the first level the enemies don't shoot, they only deal damage to you with no visual representation.

Thank you for the feedback!

I struggled a lot with the movement. I will try to improve the movement of the player by making him slow down completely after a second.

I know that the damage is low, especially for areas with tons of enemies. I should have made the combat harder, not longer.

The grappling hook was indeed underused, but I did not have time to make more use of it. If I update the game with a new level, that level with contain more use of the grappling hook.

The "bug" in the first level is not a bug, but rather something that I did not notice until the jam was over. If you look closely, you can see that the sprite is also different from the sprite in the second level.