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JUICE: Using the pliers is very satisfying. The sound is good, the screenshake is nice, and the way the juice stains cover the floor is a great touch.

Gameplay: I like how you included humans as interference, and that they gradually increased. Well balanced.

Graphics: Love the little fruit people, and I appreciate that you included two different types. That really adds visual interest. At first, I thought the humans were monkeys, so it was a bit disappointing when I learned that they weren't ;P

Sound Design: Good music, and good squelching sound. Something to suggest the time limit would have been nice. Like a countdown "beep-beep-beep".

Respect of the Themes: I guess the pliers are mirrored? Seems a bit of a stretch. The second theme is definitely there, with the time limit.

Thank you very much for this long feedback i appreciate it :). I didnt created the music and sfx but everything else is mine. I thought that theme is juice but by accident a respected the second theme :).