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(1 edit)

Oh man, i stayed up all night playing this to get all the endings and WOW
this is simply amazing, i thought that of Solanaceae too, but this one is even better! I really love how all the characters are written, none of them seem really exaggerated or anything, they're all very believable, lovable, and relatable in some way and that's really great to find in a vn, or well any game really!


and I really REALLY love that you can have a poly relationship. I was curious what would happen if you spent and equal amount of time with both of them and that wasn't what i was expecting, but i was VERY pleasantly surprised! I also liek that in the Lady's route you get hints that their might be a poly route, that was really awesome when i noticed it!

(end spoiler)

so all in all, great game 100/10 :D everyone who worked on this did an outstanding job. I shared it with some friends so hopefully they'll enjoy it too!

Aw! Thank you so much! We are both very pleased to hear you like the game and all of the characters too!

Funny enough; the poly end is one that takes people a little longer to find so I'm happy to hear you found it pretty quick-- since it's considered the 'true end'! (Since you probably saw how going after just ONE boy went, oopsie!)

If you like the writing for this game; it's written by Arcade Party who I (the artist) am also drawing another game for called AWOO that you should totally check out the demo for. :)

I think if you liked this game-- you will REALLY love AWOO.

Thanks again for your awesome comment! Very excited to release some DLC for Tomai and to hear what you think about it~ <3