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yeah I get that but I think there is a misunderstanding here

"if you allow to meet aire and pass bracelet, then start the dialogue over"

I didn't start any dialogue over - I think

saved and visit her first time in the cell - always faild
raised the charm attribute some - here response changed and the guild leaded suggested bringing aire over
did that - they talked - gave her the bracelet
saved and then tried the 2nd dialogue part for the first time (which is different from the first half)
and when she rejects there I reload the save and not using the bug to start over

so I'm not sure if we mean/think of the same in terms of starting the dialogue over - or do you lose the boni even when you reload a save from before the start?!

You say that you save game after letting aire meet and return bracelet, which means you close dialogue window, which means you restart it, hence why it no longer works.

ah ok thanks for the clarification

I thought you were only refering to the point that when she refuses at the very end (after the factor check) and the guild leader says "too bad" you can ust re-enter the cell and start the dialogue again

so its messed up from the start then ;/