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Aw, I didn't get everything on the to-do list, but the ending was still sweet. It's pretty different from what you normally see made with rpg maker! 

The atmosphere was nice and the furniture selection was really cool. I didn't feel like there was enough of interest to do during the day to keep me playing for a longer version of the game. If you do expand this, I'd like to see more 'gameplay'? I would have liked to be more involved in the inn- being able to cook or clean rather than just having it all done by an npc, but that's just my opinion :)

Did notice that when Kyle is sat upstairs, he's got the wrong sprite.

It might have been nice to be able to deselect amenities after accidentally clicking on them. 

Overall, good job :D


Thanks for playing and for your feedback. I may extend the game in the future when I have more time, and your suggestions are very useful. Thanks also for letting me know about the wrong sprite. :)