It happens off and on. It feels like maybe a third of the time it happens. It doesn't affect anything as far as gameplay goes, just a weird visual bug. I also saw it with Alissa when I was capturing her. Again, just a visual bug that looks weird!
Thought about this earlier, but given what Mistyra is, and what the lab tech became in LD, are you likely to have some event where they meet up? Like Mistyra's surprised that there's someone else like her (then they tag-team poor LD who happens to be present) I rather doubt that would happen. but given that you are expanding things a bit, it'd be nice to see!
I got nimble to 12 before doing Marin's first test to see what would happen. REALLY liked how even though Marin's technically in control, the massage was such that Marin is putty in LD's hands! Well done! :)