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Omg this is a lot like an idea I had a few years ago (that I still want to get around to)! yay for collective consciousness!

I like the idea. How much do you plan on diversifying what's going on in each biome? Is the system for building the world procedurally generated?


The biomes are going to be as diverse as I can get them, I can't say much though without spoiling stuff unfortunately :(

Nothing is procedurally generated. I considered it (for a long time), but it can get messy if you've scanned everything in the areas you are able to travel to with given equipment, but still don't have enough to unlock a crucial upgrade to get to a different area. I'd rather just design a metroidvania-like world myself, which also happens to be something I've never done before so it'll be a learning experience too :P

Absolutely, a well designed world is important for metroidvania like that. Well good on you for having a vision of sorts already. It's always fun to do new things. I have a bunch of dumped projects, but the tools and code that I tried is always available for me to lean back on, plus the experience is invaluable. The more you code the better you get.