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I enjoyed this- Particularly how consistent and simple the interface is.  The stated goal of being able to play without seeing the screen has clearly informed the rest of the design.

Is an expansion/followup planned?

I noticed that 'Wraith Wail' doesn't actually set player.defense = 0 when "You lose all your defense."  Was this a bug?


Hi, thanks for playing!  Glad you liked the game.

No expansion or follow-up is currently planned, but you never know.  The game hasn't gotten much traction so it didn't seem like there was much interest in it.

As for the Wraith Wail, yeah, that's probably a bug!  For now, just imagine a spooky wail and I'll see if I can get it fixed sometime this weekend.  Thanks for taking the time to report it!


I just uploaded a new build that fixes the "Wraith Wail" bug.  Thanks for bringing it to my attention!