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Aaah, Harry Potter - I have such a love-hate relationship with the franchise. I like the story, but loathe the ending, love most of the characters, but utterly hate Harry himself... So... it's kinda weird to me haha. Contrary to most people, the sixth Harry Potter is my favorite, and I like the movie a lot better than the book for various reasons. But the fifth book is SO MUCH BETTER than the movie - well, at least in my opinion! Anyway, I hope you'll like the books and that you'll find inspiration in them!

On a side note, now that I finally found a job, I'll be able to subcribe to your patreon starting next month, and I'm quite happy about it! Because of that, now is also a good time to ask you if you're actually doing commissions, since well, I'd love to ask for something once I get paid. 

So far, I'm liking the novel x'D 

The grammar is going to be a huge help for me and how Rowling describe things are very good! This is what I need lol, I need to widen my dictionary >.<; yup, a lot of people have lots of different opinion about the books vs the movies -my friend likes the books more though saying there's a lot of other things not mentioned in the movies? Oh well, gotta read and see xD

and congratulations for getting a job! I'm very flattered to hear you still remember me & decided to support >///< 
next month I should still be writing but I'm still accepting limited commissions~
>>> more info :

I'm available on Facebook if you want to chat too :3

Oh, thanks! I'll add you on facebook when I get back home then!

And I'm happy about the commishes! I'll check that in due time!