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Holy shit Sibley, this is a game!

The art in this is absolutely beautiful, and charming as all hell. The story was intensely adorable, and it actually did a good job at progressing it throughout instead of shoving the development at the beginning and end.  I didn't like the way making an attack locks you into a move. It made it feel clunky. It was a lot like Dark Souls, and not in a good way. It's a shame, because the enemy variety in this game is great! I love how they all have unique ways of attacking, and the sound when you hit those little orb drones is so satisfying, like batting a balloon.

Great job!

Thanks so much for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed the art and story, both areas I'm trying to push myself!

I appreciate the feedback on the combat. I was shooting for a classic beat-em-up feel, but I agree that it could use some tweaking.  I've got some small updates in mind for this game (controller support for instance) so maybe I'll  give that another pass too!