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You are MOST truly and splendidly welcome, pickler, and such a wonderful pleasure to meet you here as well!!  ;)

As for your retro-game framework of FES which indeed shows full support for sprites (including scaling and rotation), custom fonts, drawing primitives, 2d tilemaps, sound/music, keyboard/gamepad/mouse support, and even indeed a 2x1 wide-pixel mode of potentially any graphics resolution you wish, it looks SO AWESOME to say the least, and I am quite happy that you are actually creating it using the Unity engine... truly great work so far, and keep it up the way you are doing right here!!!  d=(^-^)=b !!

I am furthermore truly ecstatic that my own Wide-Dot Pixel Game Jam 2017 has rather successfully inspired you to create such an amazing framework that’ll surely excite the heart of ever so many retro-/indie-game programmers in so many damn good ways indeed!!!  And for that, pickler, I am forever-and-ever grateful with such magnificent plain joy straight from the heart.

Thank you ever so much very richly for sharing that quite amazing new framework with us.  ;*) !!!