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thanks again for the feedback, i did a small bug fix, please do have another go :)


Ah, the music is very fitting and wonderous, slight watery vibe to it.  The gameplay functions a lot better, actually could finish the game and see the premise that you're saving ur friend from a locked chest, so that was nice.  All-in-all, way more of a game and much improved.

I've updated my rating in response to this, great job :)

One thing I'd maybe look at fixing, is just the sheer inconsistency of the "timed higher jump" on the mushrooms, it doesn't seem reactive to my timing at all, like, I can't just press jump at just the right time to have any changes, jumping onto the mushroom from some other surface gives better results but there was no real timing involved I felt.  Maybe I'm just misunderstanding how it works, but this was happening:

even though i wasn't pressing any buttons?  Just makes it feel random if you get that high jump or not and doesn't lead to good and precise gameplay.  If that was predictable, it might be worth speed-running on second playthroughs.  Also I may respawn the enemies, so that ur failure requires you to deal with all the problems again, having to learn n adapt would add more to it than just killing it once and then running through an easier course.  

Really comes down to what u want in terms of design though!