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All I can say is that I regret not playing this game earlier.

Part 2, the date with Spica. This one feels very bittersweet to me with the melancholy story of Spica and also how it somehow hits home.

Part 3, at first I thought Yuki is just dumb, but now I know she's a degenerate.

Part 4, this is the end of this sweet story. There's seems more that Spica, Chinatsu, and Haruka wants to tell, but oh well it all ends happily (except when you died because slipping on a conveniently placed banana peel). This Visual Novels brings fun and a little bit of bittersweet feeling to it. Nice game.

ahh thank you so much for making a playthrough of my game! >.< I absolutely love your thumbnails

Aw thanks, but its your art (asset) that I use to make the thumbnail! So in the end it's your art that is lovely!