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Hey Everyone,

When you get the chance check out Glitcher: 

"Now you're all warmed up, shellshocked and thoroughly confused, it's time for something completely different, or at least a complete reversal in tone. Glitcher by Mufiwego at first appears to be an exploratory, story-driven thing where you quietly learn about a character through files left on their old Mac OS-styled desktop.

This lasts up until you start poking around for files in the recycle bin. Just remember: The is a sneaking mission. There's some really clever design here, too. Just because you can do stuff with the keyboard now, don't forget that you can scroll your way around windows using the mouse interface - it's an important skill to have."

- PCGamesN (

You can play right in the browser. 

Thanks for checking it out! I'll be sure to rate as many games as I can,


Excellent game. Designed very well and in depth.

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