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This is a really fun concept! I got 56 zombies on my best run. Lots of emerging strategies to be found here, which is really cool. Like figuring out how different obstacle patterns affect the flow of zombies.

A few other points in no particular order

  • The animations could have been a bit quicker, or perhaps queue up the input for later. I kept hitting to early so my inputs were dropped quite often, especially after I got better and wanted to play faster.
  • The “wait” action was a bit under-communicated, I discovered it by accident after playing a while.
  • The tilted orthographic view is kind of cool, but also a bit weird wrt inputs, I kept tilting my head.
  • The slicing sound is a bit loud compared to the music, but otherwise really cool.

Great job! had a lot of fun and a lot of playthroughs!