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(4 edits) (+1)


  • Tutorial
  • Very chilled music

This game is a sick depicted reality of our real-life music industry. We’ve rehearsals our music for 15 days in 7 days/week with our salary at just 10 coins. THIS IS WORSE THAN MC DONALD WORKER. EVERYONE IS UNHAPPY AS OUR 1000 SINGERS COMBINED HAPPINESS IS FALLEN OFF THROUGH THE GROUND, BUT OUT COMPANY IS GETTING RICHER TO THE INTEGER LIMITS!!! YOU’VE PUT ME INTO THIS CRUEL WORLD, PLEASE PUT ME OUT OF MISERY JIM, PLEASE!!!!

PS: There’s a bug on money where it reaches integer limit



LMAO thanks for this comment, it made me laugh out loud. Thanks for pointing out the issues too, I clearly didn't have time to test it properly (I wanted to go to sleep at a reasonable hour). I didn't have as much time as I wanted to because... of rehearsals and concerts. We didn't spend 201930 minutes a day but it was close.

Oh btw, Jimmy is an asshole, he says he's gonna help you but leaves the first day and never comes back.

Thanks for the feedback and for playing!