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Is every route gonna have these standout archetypes? I hate to say it, but Tai's route is getting kind of old...this is like the third time sex has happened, and while that's great and all, I feel like nothing is actually happening except that. It just seems like all over the top fanservice stuff at this point. The thing with their relationship just doesn't make much sense either...all this debate about how their status is unclear because of Tai's confusion means absolutely nothing if he's just gonna keep pushing with his teasing or whatnot. I understand it got patched up in this update, but to me it just means "oh we have a reason to endlessly fuck now" instead building their relationship. I dunno if it's because of the fact that they don't know each other, but it just seems like filler stuff. With Diego, we actually got to see their relationship grow and see them get along as friends before taking the leap, while Tai is just the hot cumdump guy. There is hardly an introduction, just instant fuck. Nearly 100% of their interactions have some mention of sex, teasing, or obsequious, and it makes the dialogue very repetitive to read and borderline unenjoyable. I just wanted to be honest with you guys since I'm a big fan of this game, but I don't want to see this game turn into a longer version of Amorous since that's what Tai's route is looking like right now.😓


Have patience. This update contained a lot of things, sexual content aside... Lots of breadcrumbs to follow, and dare I say some foreshadowing? If you think gratuitous sex is all this route is about, you've got another thing coming. 


Alright then....I have faith in y’all🙂