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I always planned to involve gamers in the development of Virtueror and that's why I created a Discord server and invited a few people I know when I started to work on this game.

Now I am getting to the stage where I can finally open the doors to even more people!

If you like Real Time Strategy games and if you would like to influence the development of Virtueror, you can join me in this journey by signing up here.

After doing that you will receive an email with an invite to join the Discord server (check your spam folder if you don't receive anything within 5 minutes).

There you will be able to:

  • vote development choices
  • suggest new features and changes
  • propose ideas and discuss them with other members
  • get exclusive updates before they are shared on social media and forums
  • get access to the design document and task tracker to always know the current status of development
  • enjoy all the memes shared in the #off-topic channel Grin

All that in preparation for the first alpha build that will be available only to Discord members in early June.

Make sure to sign up soon as tomorrow (Friday 30) we are going to vote for the initial Steam capsule and that will be your first chance to influence the destiny of Virtueror!

Feel free to reply to this post if you have any question.