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Nice! I really enjoyed the jumping/flying mechanics. Usually jumping/flying with this much gravity is really bad to control, but something about this made it feel good—especially being able to press down to fall quicker. This was a difficult game, but didn't seem unfair. Didn't collect any of the coins, but finished in 1,016 seconds, I think.

I thought the game could use music, even just a simple ambience, it helps make it feel more polished. 

Thanks a lot for the nice comments :) I am happy that you enjoyed it :) I am working on having a music soon in the game :) (as I am not a musician (I don't understand anything about Music Theory) but I have someone working on that) Thanks again :) 


I went on a walk today, and thought about the music more. I feel that, since your lasers and enemies have patterns, they can have sound effects (such as when they touch the floor or ceiling) that acts as music without having to actually compose music. I think the way you have built your world, it can lend itself to being musical/rhythmic without changing much at all. That's just an observation.

Thanks a lot :)